Art 358

Helga Watkins
e-mail: helga1@cox.net     tel: 895.4804

| Mid - practice questions | Mid - letter form | Mid - typeface |




1) What is kerning?

2) What is leading?

3) What is tracking?

4) What does it mean to line up a paragraph “optical flush left?”

5) What is an alley?

6) What is a gutter?

7) What is an orphan in relation to typography?

8) What is a widow in relation to typography?

9) What does phrasing mean in relation to typesetting?

10) What is a ligature?

11) How many points are in a pica?

12) How many points are in an inch?
What is the difference between a typeface and a font?

13) A typeface is:

14) A font is:

15) What is a family of type?

16) Which is generally considered more legible in body copy, serif or sans-serif?

17) True or False: Generally, it looks best to reduce the point size of punctuation in relation to the rest of the copy in headlines so that it does not become too dominant.

18) True or False: "Set solid" means that the leading value equals the point value in a given section of text.

19) How is the point size of a font measured?

20) What does Roman mean in relation to typography?









