Art 358

Helga Watkins
e-mail: helga1@cox.net     tel: 895.4804

| project 1 | project 2 | project 3 | project 4 | project 5 | project 6 | project 7 | project 8 |



In-class project

sing pathfinder filters and/or node editing techniques (no pre-packaged filters!), create letters which represent a consistent structural mutation of an existing typeface. Create mutations (upper and lower case) for the letters A, O, and S and choose any other three letters in addition. (you will have a total of six letters and twelve designs). Turn in:

1) A black-and-white letter-sized print of your finished Illustrator letters (make sure your name is on it). Array the letters in alphabetical order, all the same “point size” and with solid black fills, no strokes; put the uppercase and lower case letters adjacent one another.

2) A black-and-white 8 1/2”x11” print of the original letters in the same layout and size as above. Note the name of the original typeface.

3) A copy of your file in your local folder.




Due X/X

A–Physical, Fall Semester 05
Create three collages from physical materials that incorporate letterforms. These may be mounted into your research notebook. The materials may be found or fabricated, the collages may be drawn on, painted on, or in other ways physically altered; the collages may incorporate photography and writing, or dimensional elements.

Choose any three letters, and create three small collages (photoshop) each themed according to one of your letter choices. Use multiple examples of found type, upper and lower case. The compositions are to be 5in x 5in @300ppi. The collages may include scans of drawing, painting, photography, etc. as well as found materials. Though investigation of the letterform itself should be one of the primary organizing factors in each composition, you may choose to bring other references in as well. These are not to be considered mere collections of snipped-out letters but rather individual pieces of art.




Due X/X

Design and create a vector-art version of an entire alphabet plus !, ?, ’, ., and ,. You have the choice of upper or lower case, and complete freedom in its appearance with the following requirements: a recognizable identity shared by all characters, and legibility at least as display type.




Due X/X

Design a specimen poster which features your typeface. The alphabet should be put in order, and reasonably discernable within the composition. A legible phrase or paragraph describing your typeface-its personality, source of inspiration, suggested use etc. is to be incorporated. Show an example each of two additional different weights or treatments of the typeface, for example, light and bold, or Roman or italic. These additional treatments need not necessarily involve the entire alphabet. You may incorporate photography (If it is your own, substantially changed, or royalty-free...).




Due X/X

Design two logos in which the narrative content is developed primarily through the type treatment:

1. A "Gummilogo," a mannered cartoon style, typical of that found for product logos on packaging for children's cereal, candy, toys.

2. A Halloween logo for an event promotion or event.




Due X/X

Create an interlocking illuminated letters design. Use at least three letters. You may choose to use your own initials, or letters to form a word. This artwork may be executed in Photoshop, Illustrator, or in traditional media. If you are working in traditional media, the artwork panel or illustration board should be at least 10x10 and the artwork should occupy it comfortably. (fill without being crowded). As raster art, the document should be at least 10x10 at 300ppi. The "illumination" of the letters may range from narrative depictions to abstracted forms, but a primary consideration which you address in the design should be the relationship between the images/illustration elements and the letters, both formallly and conceptually.





Due X/X

10/19 Bring photographic files or photo prints to class, have sketched out series of composition to describe concept for project.

Las Vegas has many of the most famous pieces of large-scale typography in the world. Its pecular, specular-spectacular indiginous graphic style has been a subject appealing to Hollywood location scouts and scholars alike.

Your project is to create a photo-and-design visual essay utilising the vehicle of "found typography." The essay is to take the form of a polyptych or short book, (at least 5 panels/pages), editorializing some aspect of our remarkable Vegas environment. Your project may be celebratory, critical, or condemning in concept and content, but must be graphic rather than text-oriented. It may use type forms and content insofar that they can be effectively lifted from the environment through photography and montaged, but what conceptual or editorial content you have may not be delivered through prose or "body copy."




Due X/X

Using the provided text, create a 3-page magazine-style layout comprised of a full-page leader and a double spread. Use your own photography and/or illustrations. Execute the layout in InDesign.


